Height Of US Presidents Since 1900

Short Vassal
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Height Of US Presidents Since 1900
post #1

Donald Trump - 6'2

Barack Obama - 6'1

George Bush - 6'0

Bill Clinton - 6'2

George HW Bush - 6'2

Ronald Reagan 6'1

Jimmy Carter - 5'10

Gerald Ford - 6' (Not Elected)

Richard Nixon - 5'11

Lyndon B. Johnson - 6'4

John F. Kennedy - 6'

Dwight Eisenhower - 5'11

Harry Truman - 5'8 (Not Elected First Term)

Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt - 6'2

Herbert Hoover - 6'

Calvin Coolidge - 5'10

Warren G Harding - 6'

Woodrow Wilson - 5'11

William Howard Taft - 6'

Theodore Roosevelt (Not Elected First Term) - 5'10

If you think height doesn't matter, you're full of it.

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Re: Height Of US Presidents Since 1900
post #2

It's well known that Americans want a tall man to represent them, even if he's incompetent. Shows how heightism is pervasive in Germanic societies (since Americans by birth are mostly of German descent). 

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Re: Height Of US Presidents Since 1900
post #3

They crapped all over Ross Perot in the 90s because he was 5'5. Let's not forget "Little Marco". Short men don't have a chance winning the presidency no matter how qualified they are... unless they are rich like Michael Bloomberg.

Money is the great equalizer for short men. Nothing else.

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Re: Height Of US Presidents Since 1900
post #4

James Madison, one of the key leaders that founded our nation, was only 5'4", but in his day in the 1810s there were no TV cameras. No one saw him stand next to an opponent.  100 years later the U.S. President was William Taft who tipped the scales well over 300 lbs.  Neither of them--one too short and one too fat for the image-conscious American public-- could EVER even be nominated to run today, thanks to mass media, and our obsession with superficiality and image.


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Re: Height Of US Presidents Since 1900
post #5


Originally posted by Suarez223

It's well known that Americans want a tall man to represent them, even if he's incompetent. Shows how heightism is pervasive in Germanic societies (since Americans by birth are mostly of German descent). 

Most Americans are of British/Irish descent. Only 14% of Americans identify as German. Anyway, Germany has much less heightism than the US so I don't think what you're saying is true.