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Re: Hello...
post #11


Originally posted by neveragain

So let's see. You guys don't like to be stereotyped, but you're here stereotyping me by ASSUMING that, not only am I a "troll", but that I've been burned by a short guy (which has definitely NOT the case). So based on this post, should I assume that you're slow and that all short men are slow, since we're now making assumptions? How about you learn the difference between "hear" and "here" first and then get back to me with a better response.

You come to a short guy forum, and use your shitty anecdotes of your own personal encounters with short guys to assert that all short men behave a particular way. What kind of reaction did you expect? Can I say that all black women are angry and all indian women smell based on the negative encounters I've had with them? A quick google or yahoo search would display thousands upon thousands of pages where people say that black women are angry and that women over 25 are past their prime. Maybe all of it is true since I see that everywhere and have experienced it first hand.

If you're not attracted to short men, fine. Leave them alone and go about your business.

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Re: Hello...
post #12

Looks like someone is upset they were married to a short man. Maybe she couldn't do any better. LOL. 

We get those here from to time. Now they try to make up for lost time by only making themselves available to tall men.

Thank god I don't out height requirements on the men I date, otherwise I wouldn't have meet the wonderful man I am with now. I've dated tall jerks and short jerks. Height has no effect on personality.

Last Edited By enigma27 (2016-01-25 15:35:24)

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Re: Hello...
post #13


Originally posted by neveragain

Hello everyone!
based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).


I once dated an african american woman who was what you might called "dark-skinned". Her issues had an effect on many aspects of her life. I'd call that "traumatic" and enough that I steer clear of them even though I do find them attractive. Difference is most people would call me a bigot if I bought this up in conversation.

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Re: Hello...
post #14


Originally posted by hardshortworker


Originally posted by neveragain

Hello everyone!
based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).


I once dated an african american woman who was what you might called "dark-skinned". Her issues had an effect on many aspects of her life. I'd call that "traumatic" and enough that I steer clear of them even though I do find them attractive. Difference is most people would call me a bigot if I bought this up in conversation.

Exactly! Never on this thread did I say I find them unattractive because of their height. I have only been stating that based on their consistent actions, I would rather not date one again if its going to be the same insecure BS about height issues. Seems like most of the ones responding are validating my point even more. I wouldn't call you a bigot because you're going based off of experience and not ignorance. But just the simple fact that these topics aren't brought up and addressed, the BS insecurities will continue.

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Re: Hello...
post #15


Originally posted by neveragain

Exactly! Never on this thread did I say I find them unattractive because of their height. I have only been stating that based on their consistent actions, I would rather not date one again if its going to be the same insecure BS about height issues. Seems like most of the ones responding are validating my point even more. I wouldn't call you a bigot because you're going based off of experience and not ignorance. But just the simple fact that these topics aren't brought up and addressed, the BS insecurities will continue.

Your post does not come off this way though and that is why you are getting the response you're getting here. It is okay to openly mock men and "punish" short men for their "insecurities" (which are often caused by experiences outside of their person). You cannot tell someone how to process what they experience. Having empathy is more appropriate. You can tell a short man to not let what happens to him affect him, but everyone is different. I am sure there are some dark skinned women who are very confident about themselves, but due to my experiences I would most likely decline taking the plunge, and it won't stop dark women from getting *bleep* from society.

This doesn't cover up your ignorance however because you are still painting everything with a broad brush (me included).

Last Edited By hardshortworker (2016-01-25 17:25:02)

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Re: Hello...
post #16


Originally posted by neveragain

Hello everyone!
So, I was informed about this site and thought I'd check it out. Interesting, I must admit. I am a 5'4 female, who was previously married to a man who claimed he was 5'8, but in actuality was approximately 5'3. Never called him out on it because I loved him and didn't want to make him feel bad about his insecurities. However, based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).
Anyhow, one of the main reasons I could never see myself with another short man again is because of them being so insecure, which is an EXTREME turn off to me. I understand everyone has their insecurities, but I feel that height is one of those issues that you cant do much about, so get the hell over it and focus on something else.


LMAO. Based off of that one traumatic experience. LOL. Yeah, and based off of one terrorist attack or a couple hundred, the billions or so muslims in the world are bad too right? What a moron you are. Your ex husband is better off. 

Anyway, cool beans. I don't date fatties or uggos for the same reason. Many of them are hung up on their weight and cover up their age and face with makeup every day.

Last Edited By TheDestroyer (2016-01-26 09:52:45)

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Re: Hello...
post #17


Originally posted by neveragain

Hello everyone!
So, I was informed about this site and thought I'd check it out. Interesting, I must admit. I am a 5'4 female, who was previously married to a man who claimed he was 5'8, but in actuality was approximately 5'3. Never called him out on it because I loved him and didn't want to make him feel bad about his insecurities. However, based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).
Anyhow, one of the main reasons I could never see myself with another short man again is because of them being so insecure, which is an EXTREME turn off to me. I understand everyone has their insecurities, but I feel that height is one of those issues that you cant do much about, so get the hell over it and focus on something else.

LOLLL! Did he tell you he was 5'8 before you two meet for the first time? If so, I can't believe you didn't ditch him right away. 

Can you elaborate on his insecurities so we know what not to do. My assumption is that he shuts himself in and takes offense easily?

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Re: Hello...
post #18


Originally posted by eleyelevel


Originally posted by neveragain

Hello everyone!
So, I was informed about this site and thought I'd check it out. Interesting, I must admit. I am a 5'4 female, who was previously married to a man who claimed he was 5'8, but in actuality was approximately 5'3. Never called him out on it because I loved him and didn't want to make him feel bad about his insecurities. However, based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).
Anyhow, one of the main reasons I could never see myself with another short man again is because of them being so insecure, which is an EXTREME turn off to me. I understand everyone has their insecurities, but I feel that height is one of those issues that you cant do much about, so get the hell over it and focus on something else.

LOLLL! Did he tell you he was 5'8 before you two meet for the first time? If so, I can't believe you didn't ditch him right away. 

Can you elaborate on his insecurities so we know what not to do. My assumption is that he shuts himself in and takes offense easily?

Ignore this dumb asshat. I bet she's some washed up overweight spinster who talks to her cats while watching soap operas. If any of us rejected women who were chronically overweight or brown/black and then said it was because they are so insecure then we'd be called misogynists or racists. Short men aren't a "protected" group, so women like this loser gets to defecate on short men all they want without fear of being called out on their bigotry and stereotyping.