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Recent Posts From neveragain
Hello everyone!
based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).
I once dated an african american woman who was what you might called "dark-skinned". Her issues had an effect on many aspects of her life. I'd call that "traumatic" and enough that I steer clear of them even though I do find them attractive. Difference is most people would call me a bigot if I bought this up in conversation.
Exactly! Never on this thread did I say I find them unattractive because of their height. I have only been stating that based on their consistent actions, I would rather not date one again if its going to be the same insecure BS about height issues. Seems like most of the ones responding are validating my point even more. I wouldn't call you a bigot because you're going based off of experience and not ignorance. But just the simple fact that these topics aren't brought up and addressed, the BS insecurities will continue.
You guys are preaching to the choir. Another woman burned by a short guy so now all short guys are to blame. It's like a broken record:
Short guy beats woman, woman says "I'll never date short guys again, NAPOLEON COMPLEX!"
Tall guy beats woman, woman says "That guy was a jerk! Time to find me a REAL MAN, but he has to be tall, dark and handsome"
Nothing hear boys. Likely a troll who never dated a short guy or worst yet a guy posing as a woman to rustle everyone's feathers.
So let's see. You guys don't like to be stereotyped, but you're here stereotyping me by ASSUMING that, not only am I a "troll", but that I've been burned by a short guy (which has definitely NOT the case). So based on this post, should I assume that you're slow and that all short men are slow, since we're now making assumptions? How about you learn the difference between "hear" and "here" first and then get back to me with a better response.
COMPLETELY DISAGREE...maybe it is based off of my experience, but if time and time again I come across short men whose first approach is, "I know I may not have a chance with u because I'm short..." then I take that as a red flag of this being a long term issue. Why does that have to be the first thing coming out of a short mans mouth? I'm 5'4, so most men are usually taller than I am. I never had an issue with it, 'til they made it an annoying issue. If I were to consistently came across dudes that were over 6 feet tall and felt awkward about their height (and trust me they exist), then it would probably go the same way. I know this may sound cliché, but I truly check for a guys mental state of mind. So for me to say that I am not physically attracted to a short guy because he's short would be a lie. My last ex who was 5'11 was not great looking when it came to physical, cause had he been I would've found him attractive from the first day we met.
If time and time again I come across dark skin women who always talk about race then I should take that as a red flag of this being a long term issue. If time and time again I come across women who have kids who have troublesome relationships with the father of their kids, then I should take that as a red flag of this being a long term issue. If time and time again I come across women who are fat and are always insecure about their weight, then I should take that as a red flag of this being a long term issue. If time and time again I come across...
The internalization of the insecurity comes from outside influence, just like the dark skin complexes, weight complexes and everything else. The difference is you like other people always blame the short guy and not the bias that creates the problem.
If there were no such thing as a height bias or heightism then short men wouldn't have to feel that way, and the "never again" mindset is why short men who are not "insecure" about their height will be invisible to you.
But lets be realistic, when dating, are we not looking for red flags? All those issues you mentioned are valid reasons for one to believe that if you consistently come across people of a certain type of internal problem, then don't tell me you wouldn't honestly believe that a good majority of them may be the same. For example, lets just say you had frequently dated women with weight issues, those can be long term problems that can then turn into something else. What if every time another woman passes by who just happens to be slimmer, she accuses you of wanting or looking at them? Can this not eventually turn into a bigger issue, even though you truly never cared about her weight?
Get your point but you still aren't disqualifying men taller than you or tall because of their "insecurities". So what if a guy is insecure about his height? Go find a guy who is short and isn't insecure about his height, or just be honest and say you don't find short guys attractive. I think the point everyone is making is that you are disqualifying all short guys because of your experiences with the short guys you've met but would never use the same approach to men who are tall.
COMPLETELY DISAGREE...maybe it is based off of my experience, but if time and time again I come across short men whose first approach is, "I know I may not have a chance with u because I'm short..." then I take that as a red flag of this being a long term issue. Why does that have to be the first thing coming out of a short mans mouth? I'm 5'4, so most men are usually taller than I am. I never had an issue with it, 'til they made it an annoying issue. If I were to consistently came across dudes that were over 6 feet tall and felt awkward about their height (and trust me they exist), then it would probably go the same way. I know this may sound cliché, but I truly check for a guys mental state of mind. So for me to say that I am not physically attracted to a short guy because he's short would be a lie. My last ex who was 5'11 was not great looking when it came to physical, cause had he been I would've found him attractive from the first day we met.