"Help! My child is taller than me"

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"Help! My child is taller than me"
post #1



I am not sure how I feel about this article. It almost makes a joke of heightism.

"Alexis is three inches taller than me so far – she overtook me suddenly last year and I couldn’t be more delighted. It’s quite funny at times, trying to be in “serious mum mode” when you’re looking up. Other times, it’s useful. Alexis can open the security lock on the back door and I can’t – but she can also reach the sweetie jar in the kitchen and I can’t, which is not good, is it?”"

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Re: "Help! My child is taller than me"
post #2

I skimmed over this. I seen some women were mad and some were happy. Either way, being mad that your daughter is taller than you or hoping for her to be taller is horrible. The one said she smoked while pregnant too and thought that contributed to height? WHAT?

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Re: "Help! My child is taller than me"
post #3

This sounds like one of them attention grabbing, lets bash short people artciles. I saw no point in this article at all and it offered no help for anyone.

Mr Dixon
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Re: "Help! My child is taller than me"
post #4

It is funny when mother's become happy about their kids being tall, like being short is a death sentence. 

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Re: "Help! My child is taller than me"
post #5

This is like some TLC or Life network crap. I don't wanna hear this crap or read it. It is a bunch of bull that shows how stupid some women can be.

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Re: "Help! My child is taller than me"
post #6


Originally posted by SharkApple

I skimmed over this. I seen some women were mad and some were happy. Either way, being mad that your daughter is taller than you or hoping for her to be taller is horrible. The one said she smoked while pregnant too and thought that contributed to height? WHAT?

LOL This is from another country though too so you have to take hat into account but still... I scratched my head on that one too.

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Re: "Help! My child is taller than me"
post #7


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

It is funny when mother's become happy about their kids being tall, like being short is a death sentence. 

That is what made me post this. Like they act like a person being short is a illness. Like what thee actually f is wrong with some people. I would rather be short and healthy and tall with a lot of health issues.