HGH deficit

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HGH deficit
post #1

How would you feel if your Mom just told you that she found out after it was too late that you had a growth hormone deficiency that went undiagnosed until it was too late and the growth plates were closed at 16. 

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Re: HGH deficit
post #2

What is the height of your mom? I don't know if it's ignorance or that parents don't think it's a "big deal" for their child. I don't know why any parent over the last 30 or 40 years would overlook things like this.

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Re: HGH deficit
post #3

truth is, I am the mom.  I have been a great involved mom.  my son was always small.  I gave him milk shakes etc.  took him to the dr. at 17 and his growth plates were closed.  after blood work I found he was HGH deficient.  his growth stopped at 15 y/o.  he is 5.5.  I am 5.4. dad is 5'8".  I feel so guilty and haven't told him about the blood results.  would you be mad at your mom or relieved to know the reason why.  I cry every day over it.  

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Re: HGH deficit
post #4

I would be angry for a very, very, very long time. I would imagine that many other men would be too because you failed your child in a very important area which will have an extreme affect on his overall quality of life professional, dating, social. 

Being a great involved mom is something you're supposed to be by default, but looking out for his interests and his future quality of life is just as important.

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Re: HGH deficit
post #5

I am not an advocate for lying, but if he found out on his own from a doctor somewhere down the line, that pill will go down a lot of smoother. 

Still you need to be prepared to support him emotionally when he trusts you enough to share to you about how cruel society will be to him for just existing when he becomes aware of it (usually because of dating or professional treatment)

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Re: HGH deficit
post #6

Thanks for sharing btw.



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Re: HGH deficit
post #7

This is one of those things that can haunt a person either way whether they are told or aren't. We live in the age of technology and have for some time. God bless. 

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Re: HGH deficit
post #8


Originally posted by armark

truth is, I am the mom.  I have been a great involved mom.  my son was always small.  I gave him milk shakes etc.  took him to the dr. at 17 and his growth plates were closed.  after blood work I found he was HGH deficient.  his growth stopped at 15 y/o.  he is 5.5.  I am 5.4. dad is 5'8".  I feel so guilty and haven't told him about the blood results.  would you be mad at your mom or relieved to know the reason why.  I cry every day over it.  

Not as involved as you think you were. Most of us who are short have to "learn to accept" it and deal with it, but very few of us would chose to be so if we knew ahead of time how society treats us. While I am comfortable with who I am now, if I found out that my mother's ignorance and inability to be proactive prevented me from being a few inches taller I would be livid.

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Re: HGH deficit
post #9

If you're looking for sympathy, I don't think you're going to get it here. While a lot of the men on this board are successful, we would be lying through our teeth if we told you that most of us wouldn't be upset.

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Re: HGH deficit
post #10

I'm so sorry that you cry about it.  You did not do this intentionally-- it was an oversight.  You did what you knew to do, and no less.  Please don't beat yourself up over it any longer. No parent is perfect; once we see our kids as adults being parents, we realize all the things we should have done or nor done, and we grieve, but we can't change the past.  Be proactive now.  Do everything you can think of to help him accept, deal with, and get past his lifelong handicap.  Love him, assure him, study the problem with him and help him to find all the best advice on how to cope with it.  Don't tell him what you found out-- not just yet at least. Keep it under wraps for now and wait until you have shown him that you want to help him deal with this issue effectively and prosper as a young man despite his noticeable disadvantage.  You will know when the time comes and then you can tell him.  He will always thank you for the time you invested in helping him NOW while he is still trying to establish himself in the world.  Read all you can about it.  Read Ralph Keyes's books.  Figure out what he is going through and live it with him if you can.  

Try this on for comparison: my mother did things during her pregnancy with me that stunted my growth. She did them because she was childish, willful, and ignorant. She didn't intend to harm an unborn baby, but did foolish things that did.  When I was a tender 16-18 years old, and fretting about my lack of size, she was of no help to me at all-- she said silly, stupid things that only made it far worse. Till the day she died, she never reflected how much it hurt me and damaged my self-esteem.  Now, many tears and many years later, I am viewed by the people around me as a successful, influential, accomplished man who has appeared on TV and in newspapers a number of times because of my talents, and to all of them my height of 5'4" is of no import.  My mother had no part in helping me do that-- I owe that to my friends, my wife, and my most of all my faith in my Savior.     

Be the mom I didn't have.