Hoods or no hoods?

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Hoods or no hoods?
post #1

I swear my fiance is the only person I know who will not wear a jacket with a hood. He has had me cut off and sew his hoods on his hoodies. He said he feels like they are pulling on this throat and they look stupid from the bad anyways.


So I am wondering, do you like or hate hoods?

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Re: Hoods or no hoods?
post #2

This is not unheard of. I mean depending on the style, I don't like some hoods too.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Hoods or no hoods?
post #3

I'm not a guy but I hate hoods! They always mess up my hair when I wear it down so I don't wear them. I like the half zip pullovers without the hood though smile

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Re: Hoods or no hoods?
post #4

I hate them big hoods but the normal ones are fine by me. They have to be attached though. The ones that you can take off tend to bunch up too much and it bothers me.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Hoods or no hoods?
post #5

I am in different. I don't like hoods when they don't match/fit the style but other than that, they don't bug me. I have like 10 different hoodies, pull over and zip-up.

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Re: Hoods or no hoods?
post #6


Originally posted by Mr Dixon I am in different. I don't like hoods when they don't match/fit the style but other than that, they don't bug me. I have like 10 different hoodies, pull over and zip-up.


Same with me. I never heard of someone saying they flat otu hate them or love them.  

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Re: Hoods or no hoods?
post #7

Never heard of someone hating them. I don't notice them myself. I don't tend to use them either so that could be why.