How college dating is working out for me so far

Short Vassal
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How college dating is working out for me so far
post #1

I'm about to enter my Junior year now and can speak to this with some experience. It seems that dating in college isn't that "hard". There are tons of women who are only into the athletes and tall emo guys. Some of them have made catty remarks to me and it never lands well. I don't go along with it though and call them out each time. 

But there are also women that are into the things that I'm into. I like gaming and picked up guitar (I've gotten quite good at playing chords and singing while I play), so have joined a few clubs and have had quite a few interested in me. I had a few dates in May and June and have been dating this one pre-law major since the beginning of July. We're not committed, but we enjoy each other's company.

What I'm learning is, that common interests is where I do best, but judging by what people say here, it's "because I'm in college". We'll see.