How is the weather?

Mr Dixon
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Small Talk
How is the weather?
post #1

Here it has been in the 90's the last few days. I feel like it is going to be a hotter summer for us. Not much rain yet but we have some storms coming through soon.

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Re: How is the weather?
post #2

Thunderstorming here haha I had no idea either. The sun was out then next thing I know, I go outback to fix some hanging pots I have and the sky is black.

Dark Willow
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Re: How is the weather?
post #3

Cloudy for the last 4 days. A bit of storms but nothing major. 


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Re: How is the weather?
post #4

Chilly shockingly. I was out earlier and had a long sleve shirt on. It is also cloudy and seems like it is going to rain. 


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Re: How is the weather?
post #5

Suprising it has been cool today. It has got to be from that hurricane. I am sure it will heat back up in a day or two. For now I will enjoy my windows being open.

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Re: How is the weather?
post #6

Hot and sunny. I took the day off work to enjoy it and here I am, sitting in my house drinking tea while on the computer. lol



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Re: How is the weather?
post #7

Rain rain and more rain lol I thought June was suposta be a dry month but I guess not. I feel like I am living in Seattle. haha