How much truth is in this statement?

Mr Dixon
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How much truth is in this statement?
post #1

I am curious on all your thoughts here...

"Fat girls don't like feeling unattractive. Short guys don't like feeling unattractive. No one likes to feel unattractive. But at the end of the day, the majority of guys aren't attracted to fat girls just as much as the majority of girls aren't attracted to short guys. It's not shallow. It's natural. People can't help it."

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Re: How much truth is in this statement?
post #2

I get not being drawn to a person because of weight. I even get the height thing to a certain extent but there are people out there who will like shorter men and not give them a chance BECAUSE they are short.

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Re: How much truth is in this statement?
post #3

We all like certain appearances in the opposite sex but being short and attractive is different then fat and attractive. Have you ever heard of a butter face? Well it is the opposite of that. She has a beautiful face but her body is fat. Men are more likely to overlook weight because it can be changed. Women don't over-look height because it can' be changed. 

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Re: How much truth is in this statement?
post #4

The only truth I see is that men are willing to be with heavier women because of their personalty or face but women are still not willing to be with short men.


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Re: How much truth is in this statement?
post #5

No matter which way you shake it, women are just as if not more shallow than men.