How to dress (video)

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How to dress (video)
post #1

I love this guys channel now. What he says makes sense and it is easy to follow.

Mr Dixon
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Re: How to dress (video)
post #2

That tucked in shirt looks horrible! I have always been taught to wear dark bottoms and lighter tops just because it looks cleaner. When you wear light with light, it makes you look out of shape.

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Re: How to dress (video)
post #3

This is mainly commonsense styling. I mean you want to keep your body as close to an intervened triangle as possible. With us woman, it is the opposite or an hourglass shape.

Mr Dixon
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Re: How to dress (video)
post #4


Originally posted by 2B Frank Basic info most men should know by the age of 25 haha


You would be suprised by the number of men out there that don't know these things. Heck, I have a female friend who is 29 and doesn't know how to dress her body or shop for the right clothes for her.  

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Re: How to dress (video)
post #5


Originally posted by 2B Frank Basic info most men should know by the age of 25 haha


Well... maybe for some. I will quitely sit here and pretend that I didn't learn anything new, while realizing I need to go clothes shopping this week... lmao