I am pissed

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I am pissed
post #1

So I went into a clothing store earlier, looking for a gift for a friend. Well the dude at the register kept making faces at me when I was looking at these shirts. I picked a few out and wanted to get the heck out of there. After checking out I overheard him tell the woman working with him in his gay girly balls up his ass voice "those shirts are going to be dresses on that tiny man" and he giggled. What the hell gives him the right to assume crap like this? Ugggg I am so sick of these uppity sexually confused she-men around here that have to put others down because their own father wanted nothing to do with them. 

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Re: I am pissed
post #2

I hate to say it but a lot of gay men and women have this "bitchy" undertone like the world owes them a favor because they been picked on. You don't see the majority of us shorter men doing this though. 

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Re: I am pissed
post #3

Dude I would have said something. I mean I can't let that kind of crap go. Just because you been picked one doesn't give you the right to do it to someone else.

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Re: I am pissed
post #4

Most people who grow up getting picked on become bullies when they are given the chance. It is sad but it happens all the time.


Mr Dixon
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Re: I am pissed
post #5


Originally posted by Bonez

I hate to say it but a lot of gay men and women have this "bitchy" undertone like the world owes them a favor because they been picked on. You don't see the majority of us shorter men doing this though. 

As bad as you made this sound lol I have to agree. A lot of gays have a bad attitude because they got picked on or their kind did. Same with blacks with slavery. They feel the world owes them, even the young ones who never had to suffer like their grandparents. 

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Re: I am pissed
post #6

Why make it about gays/lesbians when it just comes down to people in general being complete douches?  

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Re: I am pissed
post #7


Originally posted by Bonez

I hate to say it but a lot of gay men and women have this "bitchy" undertone like the world owes them a favor because they been picked on. You don't see the majority of us shorter men doing this though. 

You are right on that. Never thought of it from that stand point before. 



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Re: I am pissed
post #8


Originally posted by Larry

Dude I would have said something. I mean I can't let that kind of crap go. Just because you been picked one doesn't give you the right to do it to someone else.

I hate starting scenes though and I can't stand seeing other people do it. He is a crabby little woman with balls. I don't need to say anything more to that.

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Re: I am pissed
post #9


Originally posted by Mr Dixon


Originally posted by Bonez

I hate to say it but a lot of gay men and women have this "bitchy" undertone like the world owes them a favor because they been picked on. You don't see the majority of us shorter men doing this though. 

As bad as you made this sound lol I have to agree. A lot of gays have a bad attitude because they got picked on or their kind did. Same with blacks with slavery. They feel the world owes them, even the young ones who never had to suffer like their grandparents. 

I am actually mixed (half black) but I get what you are saying. It aint right to hold something like that over other people's heads.