I got asked about my age?

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I got asked about my age?
post #1

I am not sure if this has ever happened to you. I am not young, but I guess I can pass for being around 22. I was in a store picking up some beers and the woman, who I am guessing was around my age, kept insisting I wasn't the legal age and I couldn't be older than her. I gave her my ID and she still didn't believe it. She just kept being all giggly. I felt embarrassed because there were people in line behind me. What the heck was she doing?

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Re: I got asked about my age?
post #2

Some women have a weird way of flirting. She may have very well been flirting with you but she is just bad at it so she bases it off of the easiest appearance trait she can tease about. She was likely complimenting you, I doubt it had to do will bullying or your height dude.

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Re: I got asked about my age?
post #3

Was she taller than you? I can see it being bullying then but if she was your height or shorter, no way.

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Re: I got asked about my age?
post #4

I guess it may have been flirting, idk.


And yea James she was slightly taller. Maybe by a few inches. 

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Re: I got asked about my age?
post #5


Originally posted by jackman

I guess it may have been flirting, idk.


And yea James she was slightly taller. Maybe by a few inches. 

I highly doubt she was picking on you. Probably just saying you looked young for your age, or younger than her by contrast. 

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Re: I got asked about my age?
post #6

She was just checking your age as part of her job... She said what she said and did what she did because she was trying to back up her claim... How is this bullying

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Re: I got asked about my age?
post #7

Dude, your 5'8.  You don't stand out as a target for ridicule in at that height. You got a real young face or something (that's good later in life, you'll see)? I got carded by goofy clerks once in a while even in my early thirties, and i didn't even look young. If she was giggling about it then she was probably trying to flirt or just a wackadoo. How'd she look?