I was asked out...

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I was asked out...
post #1

I was in a coffee shop with my cousin, who is a very beautiful woman. She is like 6 years older than me but still passes for 20! Anyways, we were having some coffee and these amazing toasted things, I wish I could remember what they were (!!), and this woman who worked there, kept staring at us. My cousin goes "she probably likes you" and my thought was, maybe she thinks that my cousin is my girlfriend, so by contrast I look great. lol I know that isn't something we should aim for but lets be real, when an average dude has a 10/10 girl, he looks like a dime himself. 

Anyways, my cousin waked up to her and she looked like to was shocked. She gave my cousin her number and walked over and told me to call her, we should hang out sometime. 


Do you think there is some truth to what I was thinking with this?

Jelly Kelly
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Re: I was asked out...
post #2

I see what you are saying but if she knew you two weren't a couple, this rule does not apply. I used to have a friend who would ay that an average man on the arm of an attractive woman made him about 10x more disirable. She even dated a guy who left his girlfriend for this friend I once had. She ended up dumping him after 3 months. 

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Re: I was asked out...
post #3

I agree with Kelly. If she thought you were with her and asked you out, it would be different but your cousin told her you two weren't together and she still gave your her number.

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Re: I was asked out...
post #4

She likes you! Be happy! I know this may shock you, but not all women want a 6'1 millionare with a tan and a sports car tongue

Dark Willow
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Re: I was asked out...
post #5

I hope you called her! Stop over thinking yourself and go for it! Live a little and accept that she likes you. I mean seriously bro, life is to damn short.

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Re: I was asked out...
post #6

Thanks for all your input. I guess I over thought it.


Yes I did call her and we went out for a movie and some lunch a few days ago. I enjoyed it. We did a bit of kissing but didn't take it past that. We will be hanging out this weekend again. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: I was asked out...
post #7

Congrats and don't overthink it bro.