Is Bono from U2 insecure about his height?

Short Vassal
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Is Bono from U2 insecure about his height?
post #1


Take a look at this pic from a world economic summit. Why is Bono wearing platforms? Bill Gates isn't even that tall. Maybe 5'9? I say Bono is 5'6-5'7. He's one of the most famous musicians ever. Why is he insecure about his height?



Bill Gates

Last Edited By ant675 (2014-10-19 12:51:29)

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Re: Is Bono from U2 insecure about his height?
post #2

Celeb heights has him listed as 5'6. They say that when he started U2, his band mates used to call him "gnome".

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Re: Is Bono from U2 insecure about his height?
post #3

Bono reminds me of Ringo Starr. Ringo always wears footwear to add a couple of inches. A lot of guys from the era did. James Brown is another celebrity who wore heels in the 2-3" range. In the pic you posted, Bono looks close in size to Bill Gates.

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Re: Is Bono from U2 insecure about his height?
post #4

I cringe at stuff like this. It makes him look a bit insecure though you can wear whatever you want I guess. I think it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. If he didn't wear those shoes, people would probably make fun of the height difference between him and the rest of the guys in anyway.