Is online dating a good idea?

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Is online dating a good idea?
post #1

I am considering it but I hear so many negative things about it online and in real life. Like shorter men and bigger women being shammed and only get people who are below average interested in them. Thoughts?

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Re: Is online dating a good idea?
post #2

I don't see why not. A lot of people who have bad time find shallow people. You have to understand it is nothing but looks and paper work before you actually meet or speak so it is going to start very shallow.

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Re: Is online dating a good idea?
post #3

Honestly it depends on how you approach it. Don't lie about anything, show real pictures, and be upfront about what you are looking for. Don't expect it to go smoothly. I know someone who met her fiance online but it wasn't a dating site, just a forum of common interest. You can always join a hobby forum to find like minding people.

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Re: Is online dating a good idea?
post #4

I agree it is how you go at it. It can be great and you may meet someone who is perfect for you. You may also get rejected into the ground if you don't meet a certain standard. Be careful which place you join.

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Re: Is online dating a good idea?
post #5

Try it out. Don't sign up for one that charges money though in case you don't like it.

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Re: Is online dating a good idea?
post #6

Have you ever looked on a dating site? Most are shallow to be honest. I mean you are better off finding a place of common ground like hobby forum.

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Re: Is online dating a good idea?
post #7

Thanks for all your feedback. I get what a lot of you mean. People tend to be a bit more about appearance on them and a bit more shallow but at the same time I think a lot of really great women may be hidden here. What one should I try out?