Is there such thing as "fragile" or "toxic femininity"?

Short Lord
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Is there such thing as "fragile" or "toxic femininity"?
post #1

Shorter guys routinely get called out for having alleged "little man syndrome" and for having fragile egos for either "feeling intimidated" by or refusing to be open to dating women significantly taller. First off, the number of women who are willing to do this at any height is is infinitesimal. We're talking about a super tiny minority. But even for those who are open, again, men are called out for their supposed insecurities around this. I personally am okay with dating taller women. 

Now what about the opposite. All of these women who refuse to date shorter guys, or have said things like, "what am I going to do with him", "I'd squish him", or "I just can't see myself dating a shorter guy"; why aren't they called out for their toxic femininity? Isn't that also an insecurity? Or is it different because you know, insecurity only matters in men?