Is this heightism? You'll know the part.

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Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #1


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Re: Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #2

probably, but I can't get worked up over "heightism" against a female as unless they are really short like under 4 foot 10 we know there is no comparison, if anything a short female has alot of advantaged in life

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Re: Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #3

Oh, absolutely.  Heightism only applies to men.  it's fine for a woman to be any height, but men don't count.  I wish I could have posted a link with a thumbnail for members convenience to view, but it only came out as as a web address.  Oh well, if anyone can explain what I did wrong, much I have many videos to share.


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Re: Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #4

There are a lot of things here that can be interpreted as heightist. Though the comments about stature were made from a woman to another woman, we all know that in real life, the shorter brunette would face few if any social repercussions for being short. If anything, the real difference between the two is the taller one having the face, height and body for a model where the other is more of a Plain Jane. If she did her hair, put on some makeup and some high heels, she too could look more like a model and command the same attention. She isn't "that short".

The real heightism (of effects from) are the gasps when the Progressive team discovers their guy has a taller woman who is out of his league. How dare he? How can Joe Normal pull that off? No doubt, even if he had a more attractive face, it would still be "shocking" for a small man to reel in a woman of "that quality". 

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Re: Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #5

Btw, you can add videos by using the You Tube button and inputting the video URL.

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Re: Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #6

Thanks a million for the advice there.  I was doing it from my phone and I guess I had more limited options for posting.  And pointed out some key factors about Jaime in the commercial..."How dare that shorter man have a taller woman?!

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Re: Is this heightism? You'll know the part.
post #7

Heightism affects men 99% more and much 100% worse than women.  No one cares about heightistm against women, they sure don't care about heightistim against us, why should we?  The shortest women are actually the most heightist.