It sucks being tall

Short Knight
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It sucks being tall
post #1

I found this video funny. Yes it is a woman talking about this. It is still funny. What I find funny is how she wanted to wear heels but feels she can't because she is tall. Tall women get the same bs as short men yet being a tall woman is still widely more acceptable. 

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Re: It sucks being tall
post #2

I find this funny and sad at the same time. She not only says she wont date shorter men then her, but she wont be with one much taller. She then says she wont have short friends either. She must be one lonely arse person... See what I did there? LOL

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Re: It sucks being tall
post #3

She sounds like a drunken tool. lol I hate to be mean but she is a hypocrite and it shows.

Mr Dixon
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Re: It sucks being tall
post #4


Originally posted by ShortNProud

She sounds like a drunken tool. lol I hate to be mean but she is a hypocrite and it shows.