Jealousy and facebook

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jealousy and facebook
post #1

Hey everyone. I feel really dumb for putting this out there but my ex still has a bunch of pictures on her facebook page from when she went on a casino trip with her ex boyfriend. Her ex was a tall fella. When I asked her about it she told me to stop being jealous because what her and her ex had was in the past and that those pics are a part of her past and she likes to see how far she's come.


I know I may be an idiot because they broke up 2 years ago and I have been her boyfriend for a year now, but I feel she keeps those pictures up becuase they look better together. Her ex is more attractive and has a better physique.


Please go a little easy on me. I'm not as good looking as her ex and I feel like I am going a little insane. 

Last Edited By OverTheEdge (2014-07-18 10:19:43)

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Re: jealousy and facebook
post #2

Grow a pair and stop stalking your girlfriend's facebook. You have her already! If she doesn't have any pics of you guys together up, I would be alarmed though, but that's just me...

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Re: jealousy and facebook
post #3

I can't believe you're even debating this. The red flag is her not populating her photo albums of you two but do you flaunt your relationship on social media? That isn't a good idea to begin with. You don't want people knee deep in your business.

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Re: jealousy and facebook
post #4

you guys have been together for a year and she's not putting pictures up of you on her profiles? dump the *****

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Re: jealousy and facebook
post #5

> McGruff91 wrote: > you guys have been together for a year and she's not putting pictures up of you on her profiles? dump the *****


Why the hostility? You are obviously insecure just like the OP. There is no reason why anyone should have to erase their past on their SM profiles just because they're seeing somene new. You have no idea why they've kept the pictures up. Maybe it is because they want to see how far they've come, or maybe they want to reminse on old times. Do you have your high school yearbook? Do you ever look through old photoalbums (if you're old enough)? Do you ever look for old clips on youtube?


None of this means that you want to actually go back to that time. She's obviously moved on from her ex if she's with you. If you feel some kind of way about her not having your pics up then you should express this to her and let her know how important it is to you. Just don't smother her with this stuff. The last time a woman needs is an insecure man and becauase we're short it would be two strikes against us.