Keep your Head Up

Short Cadet
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Keep your Head Up
post #1

In spite of everything negative people say or the various ways they choose to insult you, disrespect you, or attack your dignity. In spite of however low you may feel inside when you see your small frame in the mirror........keep your head up, put a smile on your face, breath oxygen, live and love yourself. If YOU don't; who will?

Last Edited By frankpain (2022-10-16 18:50:47)

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Re: Keep your Head Up
post #2


Originally posted by frankpain

In spite of everything negative people say or the various ways they choose to insult you, disrespect you, or attack your dignity. In spite of however low you may feel inside when you see your small frame in the mirror........keep your head up, put a smile on your face, breath oxygen, live and love yourself. If YOU don't; who will?
