Less than 5% of Americans are 6'2 or taller. 6' is NOT average.

Short Baron
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Less than 5% of Americans are 6'2 or taller. 6' is NOT average.
post #1

6 feet is not average height | American Census Data 2010 | ShortGuyCentral

This is from 2008, so it's not up to date current, but the point still stands. I don't know how people conflate 6' with average. On just about every website, people swear being under 6' isn't normal and makes you some kind of pariah. 60% of men are under 5'10 which means that average height is beneath that - 5'9

Source: https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/2010/compendia/statab/130ed/tables/11s0205.pdf