Looking to lose some weight

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Looking to lose some weight
post #1

So I gained like 20ish pounds over the last year or so and I would like to drop it by September. Any tips? I think 10 pounds a month is a good and reasonable amount. 

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Re: Looking to lose some weight
post #2

When I was losing weight I cut out alcohol, soda, drank nothing but water and coffee. I also avoided fast food and went on my treadmill 1 hour a day, 7 days a week. Then 3 days out of the week I would lift weights. I lost like 15 pounds in two weeks doing that, then gained 5 back but was all muscle. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: Looking to lose some weight
post #3


Originally posted by Jinx

So I gained like 20ish pounds over the last year or so and I would like to drop it by September. Any tips? I think 10 pounds a month is a good and reasonable amount. 

Don't over do yourself. Cut out obvious junk food and just move more. 20 pounds is not a lot! 

Dark Willow
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Re: Looking to lose some weight
post #4

Try just doing body work, like crunches, lunges, ect sometimes that is enough if all else fails, walk! My sister swears by walking for her weight loss.


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Re: Looking to lose some weight
post #5

Get yourself a kettlebell. Can't afford it? Use a db or a free weight and do the kettle swing. My friend lost 50 pounds in 3 months ONLY doing this move. He did 100 to 300 a day without fail. He increased the weight as needed. 

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Re: Looking to lose some weight
post #6


Originally posted by Catman

When I was losing weight I cut out alcohol, soda, drank nothing but water and coffee. I also avoided fast food and went on my treadmill 1 hour a day, 7 days a week. Then 3 days out of the week I would lift weights. I lost like 15 pounds in two weeks doing that, then gained 5 back but was all muscle. 

I am cutting out fast food for the most part. I am only going to eat it 2 times a month instead of 2-3 times a week. Thanks for your advice smile

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Re: Looking to lose some weight
post #7


Originally posted by Hunter

Get yourself a kettlebell. Can't afford it? Use a db or a free weight and do the kettle swing. My friend lost 50 pounds in 3 months ONLY doing this move. He did 100 to 300 a day without fail. He increased the weight as needed. 


I heard of kettle bells being amazing. I am going to look into this. How much do they cost? I would imagine I can get one for like $10 right?