Mackenmurphy argues that physique > height.

Short Lord
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Mackenmurphy argues that physique > height.
post #1

I don't entirely disagree with what he's saying, but without a doubt, height plays a significant factor. The fact of the matter is, many or most women would choose a 6ft skinny guy over a 5'7 guy like myself who is jacked.

There are women however who would value an in shape guy much more that's within reasonable range of her height preference. If she has a strong 5'10 preference, and she's say, 5'2 she might let 5'8 or even 5'6 guy slide if he is what they like to say "top-tier"

Short Damsel
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Re: Mackenmurphy argues that physique > height.
post #2

I've always preferred a nice physique and it has made men more appealing than just being tall. As you said, it's within reason. 

Most of my friends who perfer men who are tall when vocalizing their "ideal" have crushed on plenty of shorter guys. A nice physique has always been a plus. 

Short Knight
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Re: Mackenmurphy argues that physique > height.
post #3

Being fit helps, but doesn't mask. Full stop.