Miley Cyrus making "heightism" a little more acceptable among females

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Height Shaming
Miley Cyrus making "heightism" a little more acceptable among females
post #1

not that they needed any more influence, but she recently bragged about her boyfriend being above 5 foot 9 among other traits, no doubt females see this and they think, "god, I can not settle for a guy under 5 foot 9 if that is what it takes to have a real man!" of course I am sure Miley and those who are like her are the first to call for a males head if they make any disparaging comment about a female and her appearence, but of course short guys, and also guys who do not have a good "dick game" are fair people to demonize in the feminist culture today


Last Edited By d11221 (2018-12-20 00:19:17)

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Re: Miley Cyrus making "heightism" a little more acceptable among females
post #2

Cyrus is old news now at 26 (think relevance). Even without a tweet like this enough women think this way that a tweet from Miley wouldn't make a difference. This meme has been going around for quite some time now and height shows up on it from time to time. 

You can bet though that if one were made about women, *bleep* would hit the fan!

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Re: Miley Cyrus making "heightism" a little more acceptable among females
post #3

I'm shocked she stated 5'9"!!!  I am surprised she didn't say 6'4"...female preference seems to be trending taller and taller.  Pretty soon 6 feet won't be enough.