New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")

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New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #1

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #2

Stuff like this makes me infuriated. The media is a large part of the reason why people associate tall with success and short with loser. For all the people that swear that heightism isn't a "thing" and that shorter people can't "take a joke", here it is in plain view. Time to open your eyes and get involved. Contact DirecTV's marketing and give them a piece of your mind.

I'd bet most of you will do nothing though and just let things be business as usual. That should not be the case here. 

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #3


Originally posted by minilinebacker

Check out the Giraffe Crunchies and Petite Randy Moss not being able to reach the top shelf. Can you imagine it being "Fat Scarlett Johansson" not being able to fit through the door? SJWs and Jezebel would be blowing up like fireworks on July 4th.

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #4

Body shaming (height shaming) at its finest. They would never get with doing this to fat people, minorities or any other group. It's always short men who get *bleep* on in ads. Remember the free credit report ad from a few years ago with the bald fat short guy? This ad is appalling.

I actually have DirecTV, but am cancelling my subscription today and will write them a very strong letter to boot.

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #5

Please someone contact admin to do an article on this asap. It's so disappointing that there is no response to this in the same way there would be if this were done to other groups. Remember when they said the singer Adele was too fat and how quick everyone rushed to her support? Short men just get laughed at. That's not cool. You have my support short guys.

Last Edited By enigma27 (2015-08-25 06:39:25)

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #6

Very very disappointed in this company. I had directv and didn't renew my subscription last year. Good riddance. Any respect I had for them is completely gone. 

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #7

Wake up everyone. This isn't a bunch of college kids playing pranks to impress their little sorority girlfriends, this is the American corporate engine at work. A bunch of adult men and women in their marketing came up with and actually greenlighted this campaign. This is a prime example of how heightism is a systemic prejudice rooted deep in society. The fact that adult professionals could come p with a such an ad is a disgrace.

The more disappointing part is that the vast majority of you reading this and watching this ad will do absolutely nothing about it and they know this. We're the easiest group to pick on because they know there will be little to no backlash.

What's even worse is the Garmin who elected to take on that role. The ultimate sell-out. 

I can't speak for you but I am going to do something about it. I will contact my marketing friend in New York who has a lot of pull, write a letter and make a few phone calls to DirecTV and convince others to terminate their subscriptions. I encourage you all to take action and let DirecTV know that this is completely unacceptable. 

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #8


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy

Wake up everyone. This isn't a bunch of college kids playing pranks to impress their little sorority girlfriends, this is the American corporate engine at work. A bunch of adult men and women in their marketing came up with and actually greenlighted this campaign. This is a prime example of how heightism is a systemic prejudice rooted deep in society. The fact that adult professionals could come p with a such an ad is a disgrace.

The more disappointing part is that the vast majority of you reading this and watching this ad will do absolutely nothing about it and they know this. We're the easiest group to pick on because they know there will be little to no backlash.

What's even worse is the Garmin who elected to take on that role. The ultimate sell-out. 

I can't speak for you but I am going to do something about it. I will contact my marketing friend in New York who has a lot of pull, write a letter and make a few phone calls to DirecTV and convince others to terminate their subscriptions. I encourage you all to take action and let DirecTV know that this is completely unacceptable. 

Nope. I'm cancelling my subscription with them. AT&T owns directv, so I'll be in contact with them also. 

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #9

Don't you like how the tall Randy Moss is smiling a lot, well dressed and appears wealthy, while the petite Randy Moss is always sad, frustrated and lives in a crappy apartment with a 1980s TV. The message is clearly "Don't be that guy" (i.e. "don't be short). When is the last time you ever heard the word "petite" being used to describe a dude? Clearly they're suggesting the "petite" Randy Moss is a bitch. I can't believe this garmin signed up to get mocked in front of millions. 

Commercials like this make me so upset. It wouldn't matter if it was fat vs. thin or white vs. black. They all send the same shitty "x = inferior" message. 

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #10


Originally posted by TheGreatest

Body shaming (height shaming) at its finest. They would never get with doing this to fat people, minorities or any other group. It's always short men who get *bleep* on in ads. Remember the free credit report ad from a few years ago with the bald fat short guy? This ad is appalling.

I actually have DirecTV, but am cancelling my subscription today and will write them a very strong letter to boot.

Let us know how this goes....