New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")

Short Vassal
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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #11

Looks like once again we're society's punching bag. 

@DirecTV is their twitter handle. is their Facebook page.

Let them know how you feel about their ad or do nothing and watch stuff like this happen over and over and over and over again. 

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #12

We just did a write up on this piece. Please support by commenting on the article

DirecTV Uses Body Shaming To Attract Customers | ShortGuyCentral

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Re: New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")
post #13

This is the kind of stuff that has been in the media for years and it isn't going anywhere. People who take part in this don't give a crap about the people that they are shaming, even if they are small or short themselves. They only care about the money.