Other than your height...

Short Dame
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Small Talk
Other than your height...
post #1

Other than you height, what has held you back in life from being the best version of you, you can be?

Short Knight
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Re: Other than your height...
post #2

Sorry if this is TMI but body hair. I am not only short but I have body hair like Robin Williams. I used to spend money getting it waxed and only a few of my closest friends knew about it. An ex found out and I was so embarrased. I don't do it anymore, well, in the summer I get my back done, but thats about it.

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Re: Other than your height...
post #3

Really, I am just lazy. I want everything here and now and when I don't see it happening, I give up. I have wasted time and money doing this so I am doing my best to stick to what I invest in now.

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Re: Other than your height...
post #4

I am not as daring to do new things. Like, if I want to try something new, I have to drag myself and beat myself to do it. I always focus on it being bad or not working so I hardly try new things. It help me back a lot in life.

Dark Willow
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Re: Other than your height...
post #5

I am a push over. I let people take advantage of me and I am too much of a yellow belly to say anything. lol I guess I just like keeping the peace but it has cost me jobs and friends.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Other than your height...
post #6

My family really. I mean they told me my whole life that I couldn't do this, or be that, or that wouldn't work. Buncha debbie downers. lol

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Other than your height...
post #7

For me it is my weight.  I was never FAT but I was never skinny either. I have an average body and I used to let my "fat days" keep me from doing things.