Poll Feature Added

Short Knight
Height: 5'7
Location: New York, United States
Joined: Jan 11, 2014
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New Feature
Poll Feature Added
post #1

You can now create polls for everyone to participate in. Each time you create a thread, you will be asked whether or not you'd like to create a poll. Polls require the following:

1. Poll Question - The question you are looking to ask in order to receive input

2. Poll Options - The answers or choices to the Poll Question. There are two by default, but you can add as many as you like.

Creating Polls | ShortGuyCentral

Note the "remove" button. Polls by default allow for two options. If you add more options but then change your mind, you can revert your way back to just two options. 

Once submitted, answers to the questions will display as percentages with reports of how many users answered being displayed next to those percentages. 

Happy Polling!