Posture makes a difference

Mr Dixon
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Posture makes a difference
post #1

I was talking with a  tailor and he said a lot of men and women don't have good posture which is why they struggle more with clothes. I was thinking about this more and when I got home I stood in front of the mirror as I normally do then I forced myself into proper posture and it does make a difference. You are suppose to keep your chest up and shoulders back while remaining straight with a curve at the base of the spine. I slouch but I want to correct it now.

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Re: Posture makes a difference
post #2

They make models practice good posture for a reason wink

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Re: Posture makes a difference
post #3


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

I was talking with a  tailor and he said a lot of men and women don't have good posture which is why they struggle more with clothes. I was thinking about this more and when I got home I stood in front of the mirror as I normally do then I forced myself into proper posture and it does make a difference. You are suppose to keep your chest up and shoulders back while remaining straight with a curve at the base of the spine. I slouch but I want to correct it now.

I had posture issues fro many years and went to a doctor to help me with it. I think we should all use proper posture regardless of clothing fitting better or not.


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Re: Posture makes a difference
post #4


Originally posted by Hunter

They make models practice good posture for a reason wink

I think proper walking is more important cause I see them in magazines looking so damn weird. Like the way they bend around doesn't look natural.