Randoms acting thirsty for tall men. Reaction video.

Short Knight
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Height Thirst
Randoms acting thirsty for tall men. Reaction video.
post #1

In the field, no controls, just another day of what it really is.

Best part of the video is one woman's best friend sneakily walking back to talk to the same guy because of her enamor with his height.

Go figure...

Short Knight
Height: 5'4
Location: Washington D.C., United States
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Re: Randoms acting thirsty for tall men. Reaction video.
post #2

I've seen this play out in real life.

I had a 4'9 friend who thirsted hard for extremely tall men.

She had two best friends.

She later found out that they were "besties" because they wanted HIM.

He cheated on her constantly, sometimes with one of her "besties".

Once they broke up, she founded out that he was cheating on her with BOTH of her "besties" and several of her other friends.

Can't make stuff like that up. 😂