Says being short means its easier to gain muscle. Truth or cope?

Short Vassal
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Says being short means its easier to gain muscle. Truth or cope?
post #1

Is this real with tangible benefits or just a cope and hype? 

I have few buddies who workout together, different heights and it didn't seem like one had more trouble gaining muscle over the other.

Short Knight
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Re: Says being short means its easier to gain muscle. Truth or cope?
post #2

Pound for pound it is indeed true. We'd have to consume less calories. The amount of dedication would be the same, but it's pretty obvious that you could put on less muscle and weight by comparison to someone much taller to look jacked. 

That is an "advantage". The question is who that advantage matters to. We definitely should be working out for ourselves, but aeshetically, from the perspective of dating, it would matter if the woman values a fit body over height. Some do.