She is frustrated with the height and complex of the men she attracts

Short Knight
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Dating Shows
She is frustrated with the height and complex of the men she attracts
post #1

Clip from the Kendra G dating show. This one was one major crap fest.

She's frustrated with attracting shorter men and their supposed "napoleon complexes".

No self-awareness. Another one frustrated with what she wants not wanting her back. Go figure....

You can find this Kendra G episode here.

Short Knight
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Re: She is frustrated with the height and complex of the men she attracts
post #2

And they say that they want short guys to stay in "their lane"....

This has to be the most delusional one I've seen on this show yet. 😂

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Re: She is frustrated with the height and complex of the men she attracts
post #3

Yeah, I saw this episode and couldn't keep a straight face.

She also requires a man to make $100K and she has a race preference.

I'm sure that's been working out well for her.

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Re: She is frustrated with the height and complex of the men she attracts
post #4

She she's basically not upset that she isn't able to attract men, she can. She's pissed that the ones she wants don't want her.

Oh, poor lady... 🙄

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Re: She is frustrated with the height and complex of the men she attracts
post #5

She "just came back from the gym".

Didn't she just say she doesn't like when people lie?