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Poll Duration: 31-May-2030
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She says she's open to dating a 5'2 man, but is there a catch?

Short Lord
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She says she's open to dating a 5'2 man, but is there a catch?
post #1

Says She Would Date A Man Who Is 5'2 | Height and Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

She is 4'11 and claims she is okay with dating a man who is 5'2. Is she being genuine?

The YouTube video can be found here

Short Knight
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Re: She says she's open to dating a 5'2 man, but is there a catch?
post #2

many women tend to virtual signal when asked questions like this so it is important to observe what people actually do as opposed to believing what they say.  it's the old meme of a 5'2 women saying "i love short men but all of my past relationships have been with men over 6' and my current BF is 6'3... teehee"

Short Squire
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Re: She says she's open to dating a 5'2 man, but is there a catch?
post #3


Originally posted by ahimsa42

many women tend to virtual signal when asked questions like this so it is important to observe what people actually do as opposed to believing what they say.  it's the old meme of a 5'2 women saying "i love short men but all of my past relationships have been with men over 6' and my current BF is 6'3... teehee"

I can't find any way to disagree with this.

I know tons who do exactly that.