Short in tall family

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short in tall family
post #1

Hi guys:

Just to let you know 5'7" here, 140lbs 

Shortest in the family.   Dad is 6'8", Mom is 5'10", Sister 6'3"

Hard being this small in such a tall family

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Re: short in tall family
post #2

Welcome to the forum. How old are you and what was it like growing up as a short man in a tall family?

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Re: short in tall family
post #3

My mother is taller than me, so I know the feeling.

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Re: short in tall family
post #4

22y/o here,  oldest child but always the shortest.     Always looking up to everyone. 

Rally feet short around the family

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Re: short in tall family
post #5

Welcome. I hope you gain insight and support from all that we talk about.  Just curious-- do people in your family make a big deal about the height differential in your presence?  Are you often stuck in uncomfortable situations of having to stand around and talk to people, being eye-level with their chests?  From my perspective at 5'4", 5'7" seems like the low end of normal.  I have to interact with other men occasionally in a variety of settings (work, public, professional associations, church, etc.) that are 6'6" and it is painful for me, at best.  I avoid having to stand next to them and talk to them often-- but it depends on their temperament.  I have a co-worker that admires me and respects me a great deal - he and I are good friends. We NEVER ever bring up the height issue, nor do any of our coworkers and students (at a college).  He's 6'6" and built like a linebacker.  He and I love doing word play, and we share common beliefs, interests, etc.  I have no problem being around him.  But, I know someone else who feels compelled to bring up the height issue and rub it in my face.  I avoid him like the plague.  What is your experience?

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Re: short in tall family
post #6

I am ok with family and friends.   Never get negative feeling with them.    Most of the time it is with total strangers.   I even have one friend who is 5' tall, he and I are close and he gets a lot of remarks.   I just wish people would see us as who we are.   Women sometimes can be cruel.

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Re: short in tall family
post #7

dad and brother are both 6 feet, in addition they always used to make fun of me growing up for my lack of height, and I see them still making fun of a short guy to this day like watching the Astros game I see them calling Jose Altuve a "shrimp" and a "Pipsqueak" things they basically used to say to me when I was younger