Short Man gets bullied by Judge Judy (who is short herself)

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Short Man gets bullied by Judge Judy (who is short herself)
post #1

Can you imagine if she "see what happens when you're black?" It would be a fart show. Insulting someone for their genetic predisposition (race, height, hair color) is so wrong, I'm disappointed in her.

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Re: Short Man gets bullied by Judge Judy (who is short herself)
post #2

She's an idiot for saying that. I'd expect more from someone in her position. But you know what, not to excuse her, but I've heard her say way worse things. She's an old hack who has been in her position for way too long and is too comfortable. She gets ratings so the networks don't care right?

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Re: Short Man gets bullied by Judge Judy (who is short herself)
post #3


Originally posted by BrickOdyssey

Can you imagine if she "see what happens when you're black?" It would be a fart show. Insulting someone for their genetic predisposition (race, height, hair color) is so wrong, I'm disappointed in her.

Honestly, I didn't take her comment as a big offense because I question it.  She stated that if you're short, then you're aggressive and nasty.  Should 'aggressive' and/or 'nasty' be considered bad?     

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Re: Short Man gets bullied by Judge Judy (who is short herself)
post #4

Too bad