Short men are supposedly bad partners yet most DV perps are taller men

Short Lord
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Giant Syndrome
Short men are supposedly bad partners yet most DV perps are taller men
post #1

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

Why Are The Majority Of Domestic Violence Perps Taller Men? | Height And Crime | Short Men | Short Kingz

All of the men involved in the above stories have to be those "short angry men" they keep talking about who are supposedly bitter.

Short Baron
Height: 5'7
Location: Union City, United States
Joined: May 05, 2014
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Re: Short men are supposedly bad partners yet most DV perps are taller men
post #2

Wow. It just so happens....