Short OG spills the beans on how to be more attractive to women

Short Knight
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Short OG spills the beans on how to be more attractive to women
post #1

What are your thoughts on his message? Yay, or nay?

Short Baron
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Re: Short OG spills the beans on how to be more attractive to women
post #2

Dude is not wrong.

It's not popular to say in these spaces these days because of the pushback, but being fresh to death, in shape, charismatic and properly groomed will always command attention. 

Stay away from the detractors and propagandists who have something to prove. By this, I mean those people who are "anti-short guy" and disrupt your successes and flow because they think you shouldn't be "that guy" and are jealous that you are the light of the party. I always knew tons like this.

No it's not a cure-all, but it definitely the way to go. It's harder for younger guys to grasp this because they see life happening around them, but nothing happens in a vacuum. You need to think about the long term.