Short women taking all the tall men?

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Short women taking all the tall men?
post #1

I heard someone say this while I was shopping the other day and I had to post it here.

The woman saying this was maybe 5'8ish maybe taller, she goes "I am so sick of all these little girls taking all the tall men. Like come on! There are plenty of short guys us tall and stunning model types don't want!" 

Her friend was about her height as well and just agreed and said it is "pathetic"

So my question is, does it bother you that tall men take all the short women?

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Re: Short women taking all the tall men?
post #2

No this don't bug me. I mean this just sounds stupid. Why would I hate other dues for this? The only taller guys I dislike are the ones who bash short dudes like the women you overheard. 

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Re: Short women taking all the tall men?
post #3

It does if you let it. I mean if you stick with the same mindset about never going anywhere or meeting anyone you wont. Mind over matter!

Mr Dixon
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Re: Short women taking all the tall men?
post #4

It is what it is. People who allow this to bother them mut have trouble keeping friends. 


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Re: Short women taking all the tall men?
post #5


Originally posted by Dez

I heard someone say this while I was shopping the other day and I had to post it here.

The woman saying this was maybe 5'8ish maybe taller, she goes "I am so sick of all these little girls taking all the tall men. Like come on! There are plenty of short guys us tall and stunning model types don't want!" 

Her friend was about her height as well and just agreed and said it is "pathetic"

So my question is, does it bother you that tall men take all the short women?

No that would be silly! Like just thinking of how these women view other women, it is so childish.