So I may have made a woops.

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So I may have made a woops.
post #1

So I was seeing this gal on and off. We slept together a few times, been on a few dates, it was never serious. Well after not seeing her for like almost 2 months, I get a txt saying we need to talk. She is pregnant. And here is the kicker, she was with 3 other dudes while messing with me. SOOO glad I didn't get serious with her but yeah... there is a 25% the baby is mine. I have been calm for the last few days but it hit me today seeing little kids running around. What do I do in this position? 

Mr Dixon
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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #2

You still online? Damn dude. PM me if you need to talk. I have been here and it isn't fun. Specially when the woman isn't exactly playing "clean". Did you use a condom every time? 

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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #3


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

You still online? Damn dude. PM me if you need to talk. I have been here and it isn't fun. Specially when the woman isn't exactly playing "clean". Did you use a condom every time? 

thanks for this. I may need to haha... And one time I didn't but I am sorry for it. We were both drinking and I wasn't thinking. I thought she was on birth control... Not and excuse. I was dumb. I am going to get checked for STD's Thursday because I am not to happy about this. I mean yeah we weren't committed but when guys do this crap they are labeled as assholes. 

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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #4

She knows she is, like she went to the doctor? I don't know how she is going to go about finding out. I guess you will all need to get tests done to see who matches. Find out how far along she is and do the math.

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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #5

Wow sorry about this. I mean if it ends up being your kid, they are a blessing even if the mother isn't the ideal partner. My friend had a one night stand that turned into him and her raising a child. He went on to get married and they split the time they see him.

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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #6

How are things going with this? Did you find out if the kid is yours or what?



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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #7

I have been in this kind of situation before and it ended up not being mine which I was happy about at first, but honestly I would have loved to have a kid thinking back now. Even if the mother wasn't going to be the "one".

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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #8

We spoke and she is almost certain it isn't me. She said one of the guys had the condom break while her was in the middle of, well, ya know. So yeah. I guess I don't have to worry as much. She talked to him and they are going to do a test. So she said she will let me know in a few weeks. I guess it takes a couple weeks for the test resaults to come back. 

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Re: So I may have made a woops.
post #9

More waiting. I wish you the best with either outcome.