Society has made me a monster

Short Cadet
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society has made me a monster
post #1


  I'm new here and 5.1, I'll start off by telling you I've been shorter than most people since I was a child.  Growing up in rural Missouri didn't help my situation. I've been ridiculed almost every day since childhood" I'm pushing 30 now"  I've always had a few close friends and I've had semi good relationships in the past, but at this point I've just given up.  I dropped out of high school because of hieghtism turned to drugs and alcohol to numb myself from society and for a while it worked, but multiple arrests put a stop to that. now social anxiety and depression are the norm. I won't even stop at a gas station if it's busy for fear of ridicule and the fear that That decades of rage might be unleashed if the wrong thing is said. friends and family often get upset when I go long periods of time without visiting, but at home or working on my truck alone is the only time I feel safe from the world. I've been called a monster and a psycho for accidentally saying something from my point of view of the world. I can say in all honesty that if I don't like someone or don't know someone human life holds no value to me. not that I'm a killer or anything, I just don't care if people die. I'm not looking for a pity party or anything of the sort, I just joined to show my support so hopefully in the future people won't end up like me because of their height.

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Re: society has made me a monster
post #2

Hang in there. Welcome to the forum. It sometimes helps to help others. You may find your own peace in doing so.

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Re: society has made me a monster
post #3

You got to a point where many find themselves after years of bullying. It is a common thing and people don't like to talk about it. Don't feel weird for speaking your mind here. We all do. 

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Re: society has made me a monster
post #4

Hang in there man.  And wow, Missouri?  I didn't know that area was shallow.  I live in a city with that's ridden with social media so I'm in many battles.  But I'm coming through though.  Just don't give up.


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Re: society has made me a monster
post #5

It seems this is becoming an issue more and more for people. They all have this perfect ideal or ideals planted in their heads and if things don't add up, they reject themselves or others. You are welcome here my friend. 

Short Cadet
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Re: society has made me a monster
post #6

Appreciate the support, it feels good to be accepted somewhere.