Some proof not all women hate us

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Some proof not all women hate us
post #1


Go to the post and view the comments. No, there isn't a lot but it goes to show even women who do prefer taller men will date short men. Also, height isn't everything to all of them. Stuff like this makes me feel better because I swear, I get shot down by women who go for tall men more than anything.

Last Edited By GoKnicks (2015-10-19 22:58:01)

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Re: Some proof not all women hate us
post #2

I have posted similar things online and I meant them. I don't have a tall or short preference but I naturally end up with shorter men because they fit me better.


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Re: Some proof not all women hate us
post #3

I hate to say it but a lot of women say this stuff to be the "sweet one" or the "nice girl". That may sound a bit over the top but women act and say certain things to be viewed a certain way by men.

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Re: Some proof not all women hate us
post #4


Originally posted by James007

I hate to say it but a lot of women say this stuff to be the "sweet one" or the "nice girl". That may sound a bit over the top but women act and say certain things to be viewed a certain way by men.

I agree with this. Think about all the other crap women say online. I have met some online and then in person and they are completely different. 

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Re: Some proof not all women hate us
post #5

Regardless if this was an act or not more things like this need to be said and posted so less girls grow up to be women who only care about height and looks.

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Re: Some proof not all women hate us
post #6


Originally posted by James007

I hate to say it but a lot of women say this stuff to be the "sweet one" or the "nice girl". That may sound a bit over the top but women act and say certain things to be viewed a certain way by men.

I think this is more common on forums than Facebook. I don't see much pity posting on there. 

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Re: Some proof not all women hate us
post #7


Originally posted by Spider

Regardless if this was an act or not more things like this need to be said and posted so less girls grow up to be women who only care about height and looks.

My thoughts exactly! Things like this need to take over. There is too much crap about men getting shot down over height online.