Someone at work commented on success and height...

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Someone at work commented on success and height...
post #1

So this guy I work with said taller men, and thinner more attractive women go further in their careers just based on their looks alone. Now to me, this sounds shallow as heck, but can it actually be true? 

Dark Willow
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Re: Someone at work commented on success and height...
post #2

I hate to say it but I too believe this to be true because the way society is. Think about it. People are so obsessed on their outward appearance it is sick. You know what lasts? Being a good person. Loving your friends and family. Being a good mother or father. We will all get older, fatter, wrinklier... What does that matter? It shouldn't. But sadly, it does.

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Re: Someone at work commented on success and height...
post #3

You see this on TV, in movies, with music, ect. and it is sad. Think about it. When it comes to kids shows and movies, the "bad guys" are always ugly, fat, short, look different, ect. so to kids, they think, well all taller and thinner and prettier people are better and more trust worthy.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Someone at work commented on success and height...
post #4

I think that it is majority because these people have confidence. People who aren't as tall or not as attractive tend to let that stop them.

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Re: Someone at work commented on success and height...
post #5

I agree with Dixon on this. I mean when you think about it, most people who lack self confidence end up in dead end jobs or don't follow their dreams.