Struck Gold!

Dark Willow
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Struck Gold!
post #1

So this is what happened to me the other month, goes to show height isn't everything! 

Me and a few of my dudes were at this bar shooting pool. These three beautiful women come walking in, one had to be about 5'8 and was a total knockout. I mean she looked like a model, had the body, the hair, the face, everything. Her two friends were also attractive but they were slightly shorter, wearing heels. My dude instantly went over to hit on the 5'8. He is about 6'1 and 205 pounds. He is ripped and what most women consider sexy. After a few minutes he comes back and says "She said she had a boyfriend". So one of my other friends, who is about 5'11 and 180 pounds stroles on over. Women tend to drool over him because of his car and his eyes. And again, got shot down, saying she just told my other friend she isn't single. Time went by and one of her friends came over and was flirting with us, and asked me to buy her a drink. I said sure, why not. Well, when I got up to the bar, 5'8 appraoched me, said she was intersted and gave me her number. Keep in mind I am average weight, don't wor out, and only 5'7. I was in shock but couldn't stop smiling. Anyways, my bros were so mad. We ended up dating a few times and we are now in a relationship. Her name is Kimberly. 

Long story short, I struck gold while my taller friends struck out. wink

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Re: Struck Gold!
post #2

That's great! Goes to show women prefer men of all sizes, not just tall! And I think she was taken by your distance. You didn't approach her so you stood out.

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Re: Struck Gold!
post #3

Let us know how it went and where you two ended up going! I want to know for my own sake haha

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Struck Gold!
post #4

I was going to list of some great ideas until I read this was happening Monday night! I am a bit late. I hope it went well for you both smile