Tall of Small which is it better to be?

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Tall of Small which is it better to be?
post #1


Short Baron
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Re: Tall of Small which is it better to be?
post #2

Overall not a bad article. I don't like how they chose a scrawny guy to represent short guys and a muscular fit man to represent tall. That's stereotyping. 

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Re: Tall of Small which is it better to be?
post #3

It's "better" to be tall because of heightism. Just like it's "clearly better" to be white because of Racism (according to Louie CK).

Biologically speaking, shorter people consume less resources and live longer, so would be better overall for society. Narcissism is why height is coveted so much just like bigger breasts have no real value.

Short Vassal
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Re: Tall of Small which is it better to be?
post #4


Originally posted by TheGreatest

It's "better" to be tall because of heightism. Just like it's "clearly better" to be white because of Racism (according to Louie CK).

Biologically speaking, shorter people consume less resources and live longer, so would be better overall for society. Narcissism is why height is coveted so much just like bigger breasts have no real value.

Had to uproot this. Without social constructs, things like height and skin color would not matter.