The 'promise land' for the short man?

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The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #1

Hello everyone, I've been thinking; is there any place on the Earth that doesn't really scorn us?  Any place that does not stigmatize the short man?  With those asked, I have made a fair conclusion.  There is such a place.  You know where that is?  I believe the promise land for us is Japan.  Why you may ask?  Well, look at their culture, it's mostly based on anything 'chibi' or 'cute' or 'nimble' or 'small', which they embrace!  Look at their anime!  Notice how the main character is usually a short male?!  Notice the history of Japan?  They developed a small nation into a relatively advanced superpower; the point I'm making from this, is the notion, "small packages come with big things", which intertwines with Japan's culture.  They are a welcoming society to a certain extent, and I believe that we are more welcomed there.  


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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #2

In Japan and even China, men are shorter on average. Their average male height is 5'6. All their women are smaller too. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #3

I am not sure if I am alone in thinking this but for us short Americans... There isn't really a welcoming place at all. They don't want us moving there. lol

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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #4

^ I believe you are right.


Either way, saying we need to find a promise land else where is giving up. No one is going to force me to live somewhere else because they can't stomach the fact that some attractive and successful men aren't 6'.

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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #5


Originally posted by Bonez

In Japan and even China, men are shorter on average. Their average male height is 5'6. All their women are smaller too. 

Just because they are smaller on average doesn't mean we belong there though. I have seen memes online and jokes and all that crap telling us men to move to smaller countries for smaller women.

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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #6

hey whats up everyone  i just want to tell you i thought the same thing.So i moved to China of course i live in capital I can tell you that on average the guys are between 5'8-5'10  its not uncommon to see one over 6ft. At 5'4 I'm still the shortest guy at work or pretty much wherever i go but i will say there are a bit more shorter guys here but on average they are about 5'8 and up.

as for the girls id say between 5'3 and 5'5 of course there are many between 5'7-5'9. while its easy for me to find girls here it can be a little difficult because as a culture they like for their  men to be at least 180cm so sometimes if you write a girl online she will immediately ask u for your height and when i say 170cm she will delete me sometimes.

Also a lot of people you meet will ask u where you're from when i say I am american they will ask me why are you not tall americans are supposed to be tall. 

So in China it actually worse sometimes especially as an american because they expect all americans to be over 6ft I have been here for 4 years. i actually had to learn chinese before i could really get any girls out on dates because when you go to where the foreigners are they are looking for a guy 6ft and up . So i learned chinese and sort of stick to where the foreigners aren't so it kind of increases my chances but I'm telling you if you think China is the promise land guess again ,I mean at least beijing isnt

Now I will say I have also been to Philippines and those girls are short 4'11-5'3 the guys are also around 5'3-5'8 that was a little bite better. Any way I hope this helps



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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #7


Originally posted by xnicox

hey whats up everyone  i just want to tell you i thought the same thing.So i moved to China of course i live in capital I can tell you that on average the guys are between 5'8-5'10  its not uncommon to see one over 6ft. At 5'4 I'm still the shortest guy at work or pretty much wherever i go but i will say there are a bit more shorter guys here but on average they are about 5'8 and up.

as for the girls id say between 5'3 and 5'5 of course there are many between 5'7-5'9. while its easy for me to find girls here it can be a little difficult because as a culture they like for their  men to be at least 180cm so sometimes if you write a girl online she will immediately ask u for your height and when i say 170cm she will delete me sometimes.

Also a lot of people you meet will ask u where you're from when i say I am american they will ask me why are you not tall americans are supposed to be tall. 

So in China it actually worse sometimes especially as an american because they expect all americans to be over 6ft I have been here for 4 years. i actually had to learn chinese before i could really get any girls out on dates because when you go to where the foreigners are they are looking for a guy 6ft and up . So i learned chinese and sort of stick to where the foreigners aren't so it kind of increases my chances but I'm telling you if you think China is the promise land guess again ,I mean at least beijing isnt

Now I will say I have also been to Philippines and those girls are short 4'11-5'3 the guys are also around 5'3-5'8 that was a little bite better. Any way I hope this helps



Right now South America would be your promise land. Boliva, Peru, places like that. Height discrimination was actually legal in China until 2005, so while everyone says "go to Asia" it isn't what it's cracked up to be.


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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #8

I can definitely relate to all of this, especially as Im only 5ft 3 myself!


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Re: The 'promise land' for the short man?
post #9

I also am 5'3 in Montreal you walk with your head high! But here. In Quebec there are many short people as the average height is 5'9.5"but there are also those who 6' an more ! And the few at 6'7 but we are protected by Canadian law!