They're not mad you lied about your height, but because you're short

Short Knight
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Height Thirst
They're not mad you lied about your height, but because you're short
post #1

Women Are Not Mad You Lied About Your Height, They're Mad Because You're Short | Height And Dating | Short Men | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Hidden gem on these forums, but worth viewing.

I always ask them if they would be mad if a guy "lied about his height",  if he turned out to be taller than he said.

Here's the proof straight from their mouths.

Short Vassal
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Re: They're not mad you lied about your height, but because you're short
post #2

Thanks for sharing. Definitely something we all already know.

I can't imagine a woman being upset if a guy said he was 5'10, but then finding out he was 6' when he showed up to a date.

The gaslighting is horrible.