They will hate you if you're a successful short stunner

Short Baron
Height: 5'7
Location: Queens, NYC, United States
Joined: Apr 16, 2014
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They will hate you if you're a successful short stunner
post #1

So as you know, I own two successful businesses and work a full time job. I am not married nor do I have kids. I currently have a really fly girlfriend and most of the women I've dated are considered by most to be well above average in attractiveness. I am not writing this post to brag, I'm doing this to discuss a phenomenon.

See, us short guys are "supposed" to be at the bottom of the barrel. I've noticed that women who aren't considered very attractive, play up their standards to only include very attractive men, above average in all areas. I am okay with this, but not so much with these women's incessant needs to put down men who don't "meet" their standards. I don't get mad, I just shrug it off and laugh. I'll tell you why

I work with a woman who is overweight, wears hair extensions and a lot of makeup. She is not particularly attractive and has a very nasty and sometime-ish attitude. We got along okay, until she saw me with my girlfriend. After that, it was nothing but non stop back-handed comments and remarks about my height. I would respond "but I am successful, my girlfriend is fly and I make great money, so who cares?". 

Her remarks eventually turned into frustrating grunts and dirty looks. This was over a period over a few weeks. I'll tell you why...

It frustrates some people to no end to see a short successful confident man. It is like body armor. It will piss off your "haters". I know the word "hater" is overdone, but it will frustrate others who perceive you to be of lower status actually be higher on the totem pole than them of higher than they wish for you to be.

Keep on grinding fellow short guys! We're going to make it!