Tomorrow you wake up at 6'5. What changes in your life?

Short Knight
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Re: Tomorrow you wake up at 6'5. What changes in your life?
post #11

Please stay on topic so the original scenario doesn't get derailed.


Short Knight
Height: 5'7
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Re: Tomorrow you wake up at 6'5. What changes in your life?
post #12

I like my height. I don't have any issues with it. I like how easy it is to find clothes and smalls fit me perfectly in every mass merchandise establishment.

What I don't like is the stigma that sometimes comes with being my height, and I know it's worse for those shorter. I would also not like to be 6'5. If I had to be taller, then I'd choose 5'8 as that is when the short stigma disappears.

To answer the question though, if I magically became 6'5, everyone would believe that I am competent or an expert at something. When you're short, people always challenge you or think you're less competent when they first meet you