What do you buy for an anniversary gift?

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What do you buy for an anniversary gift?
post #1

When it comes to that time to buy that special someone of yours a gift, on that special day we call an anniversary, what kind of gifts do you like yo buy your woman? Personally I like to buy jewlery for women I am in serious relationships with, but I only buy the big expensive things when we've dating for a long time. 


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Re: What do you buy for an anniversary gift?
post #2

I usually play the "listening game". I listen to her and spend time in places like the mall with her. Usually, your woman will tell what she's dying to get or what she really wishes she could have. Unless your woman is a gold digger, many of those times, she won't be hinting that she wants YOU to get it, but just that she desires it.

Well, on those special days, holidays or random days, voila, she gets what she wants and is surprised smile

Maid Marian
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Re: What do you buy for an anniversary gift?
post #3

If you are a great listener, you will know what to get your lady for anniversaries.