What is up with clothing sizes?

Mr Dixon
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What is up with clothing sizes?
post #1

So I noticed that clothing, atleast name brand stuff, is all made to fit a man or woman of a certain height. For women, regular length clothing is for 5'6 to 5'8 and for men regular length is 5'11 to 6'2. If the average height for women is 5'4 and for men is 5'9, why is clothing sizing made longer? I mean this doesn't make sense. I know they offer shorter cuts and even longer cuts, but it makes no sense to go above the average.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #2

I have thought this myself. But what I think is the reasoning is most people wear there clothing slightly long to begin with. Women like the length for heels. Not sure why with men though haha

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #3

Could be length like Kelly said but I think they cater to the "ideal" body frame even if the majority of the population doesn't fit their standards.

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #4


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

So I noticed that clothing, atleast name brand stuff, is all made to fit a man or woman of a certain height. For women, regular length clothing is for 5'6 to 5'8 and for men regular length is 5'11 to 6'2. If the average height for women is 5'4 and for men is 5'9, why is clothing sizing made longer? I mean this doesn't make sense. I know they offer shorter cuts and even longer cuts, but it makes no sense to go above the average.

Well the average model height are way up there. I think 5'9 for women and 6'2 for men. That might explain it. Who knows. 

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #5


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly I have thought this myself. But what I think is the reasoning is most people wear there clothing slightly long to begin with. Women like the length for heels. Not sure why with men though haha


I noticed even sizing made for a certain height is still a little long. No one has the exact same weight either so it all changes.  

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #6

I would go with saying model heights are so tall on average that this is why it is the way it is. I mean I could be wrong but that is my guess. They do model averages, not actual averages of the population.

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #7


Originally posted by Catman Could be length like Kelly said but I think they cater to the "ideal" body frame even if the majority of the population doesn't fit their standards.


That is what I was going with. So much of the US is designed to fit taller, thinner people so shorter or fatter people have a hard time. Not just with clothing. 

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #8


Originally posted by ShortNProud


Originally posted by Catman Could be length like Kelly said but I think they cater to the "ideal" body frame even if the majority of the population doesn't fit their standards.


That is what I was going with. So much of the US is designed to fit taller, thinner people so shorter or fatter people have a hard time. Not just with clothing. 


To be fair, There are plenty of sizes in the US alone. I mean there are super tiny sizes, average, slightly above average, larger, ect. I also believe they make the most mediums and larges on clothing and the least smalls and extra smalls. 

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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #9

I never gave it much thought but it does seem rediculious. I don't know why, maybe because of their higher standards?

Dark Willow
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Re: What is up with clothing sizes?
post #10


Originally posted by Larry

I never gave it much thought but it does seem rediculious. I don't know why, maybe because of their higher standards?

 Same here but now it is making me wonder what these standards are. I mean gay men run the fasion industry don't they?